Note Taking Services

What is a Note Taking Accommodation?

The notetaking accommodation is when a  peer volunteer note-taker help students fill in the gaps in their own notes by taking notes for that course. This type of accommodation is meant to supplement the student’s own abilities and efforts and does not preclude their responsibility to attend class regularly, participate fully, and take notes to the best of their ability. The notetaking accommodation can only be used for seated class lecture information. A Note Taking Accommodation is one of several accommodations that may be approved to a student with a disability.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students who are approved for Note Taking Accommodations must add the accommodation  to the course(s) in which they would like to request a peer to volunteer to share their notes.
  • Students who are approved for the Note Taking Accommodation must attend class. Failure to attend class will result in the student not obtaining volunteer peer notes for that class period.
  • It is imperative that students notify our office if they are not receiving notes for the class.  We will assist them in any way that we can, as long as we are informed that there is an issue.

Note Taking Alternatives

  • Students who are approved through OARS Office for the Note Taking accommodation will discuss the ways in which they can obtain notes that best meet their needs. These options are free and available to students who have been approved for the note taking accommodation. They are below.
    • Digital Recorder – The OARS office offers battery operated digital recorders that allow students to record class lectures.

    • Live Scribe Smartpen – A Live Scribe Smartpen records everything that a student hears, writes, and draws, and links the audio to their notes. It has a built- in microphone that allows students to record lectures. It synchronizes handwritten notes with the recording, which allows the user to tap their notes to replay what was said at that point in time.

    • Glean Audio Notetaker- Glean Audio Notetaker is a web based program that is accessible on laptop and mobile devices. It allows students to record in person and online lecture audio. Students can add multimedia notes, look up definitions in-app, and provide transcription of notes.