The 2024–25ÌýFree Application for Federal Student AidÌý(¹ó´¡¹ó³§´¡Â®) form is available at. Utilize these resource to prepare and complete your FAFSA®.
Preparing for the ¹ó´¡¹ó³§´¡Â®
- Get a account before filling out the FAFSA form.
- Have documents (e.g., 2022 tax returns; records of child support received; current balances of cash, savings, and checking accounts; and net worth of investments, businesses, and farms) ready.
- Have contributor information (e.g., first and last name, , date of birth, and email address or mailing address) ready.
Filling Out the ¹ó´¡¹ó³§´¡Â®
- Students will complete their section of the form first.
- Read questions and definitions carefully.
- Consult in-form resources if you need help.
- Review your answers prior to submitting the form.
- Monitor your form’s status.
- Submit the FAFSA form after all their contributors have signed and all sections are completed.
Review for detailed tips about preparing for and filling out the FAFSA form.